March 22, 2012

Book reports

     My older students are required to read one book in English per school term and I find that checking this task is quite a difficult job for the teacher, up to now I asked them to talk about their books during a break but I realized that it was better to make them write a report because they will take the task more seriously.
     Within the School 2.0 framework I have decided to design a book report using forms in Google Docs, the students can access to the form in the Moodle courses and fill it with the information required. The form application in Google Docs is very useful since it helps to keep a record of their works and the books read by each of them and it even allows you prepare some graphs for the educational end-of-course report.
     Apart from the compulsory reading, they can voluntarily read more books what will be taken into account to assess them. It is also interesting to have a reading log poster to display in the classroom for all to see.
     Below you can take a look at the reading report I’ve designed and you have a link where you can find different report models and reading logs or records.


  1. Just out of curiosity, what age and level are your students? I teach a lot of CAE and I recommended one of them Roald Dahl's Matilda and the student seems to like it. I was stuck for book recommendations though, any thoughts?

  2. My students are quite young, I teach students from 3 up to 12 years old, they usually read adapted books, althought some of my higher level students read some originals such as Geronimo Stilton and Kika Superwitch. Those books are very funny.

  3. Hi, I just came across your blog and I think it's simply smashing. I have been browsing your contents and found highly valuable (and enjoyable) stuff, but above all I have come down for the layout, could you please let me know about the template you're using and how to get it for my blog.

    By the way I'm a colleague of yours down here in Jaén. But my blog is just in a mess. I'd like to find the time to put things neatly in order and I'm pretty sure that your template will be the starting point.

    Thanks in advance

  4. Sorry for the late answer. When I'm on holidays I usually try to switch off from work and I forget everything about my blog and about teaching. You can find the template on the next link There are many nice ones. Thank u for your comment and sorry again.

  5. "...checking this task is quite a difficult job for the teacher..." I am getting it now. I am a new English teacher of short course English. The students are college students. Most of them are beginner. Most of the meeting they mourn having no time to practice and to learn outside the class, whereas, the class is only 3 days in a week. But, fortunately, their professor at their college force them to use English book. I ask them to practice speaking and writing at my EFL class by explaining and reporting what they learn at their college. As an English teacher who doesn't speak English, I have lack vocabulary in the field they study about.

    Whereas, I handle more than two classes and must prepare, assess, etc. My experience as a new teacher
